Waxing Trine Moon in Aries: Firewalk

posted in: Aries, Waxing Trine | 0

Tonight, we’ve feel the Sun–Moon trine glowing with light and heat. The Moon at 10° Aries trines the Sun at 10° Sag.

This flowing connection feels energized. Depending on how you relate to Aries and Sag, it could feel urgent and direct, or electrified and overstimulating. See if you can steer your way between the extremes and channel this fiery surge into something warm and supportive.

The Moon is conjunct Chiron the wounded healer, so Chiron becomes part of the trine to the Sun. Chiron triggers patterns of wounding, but always with an eye to bringing healing.

This Fire energy is big. If you feel overstimulated, how can you stay grounded and find serenity? If you feel anxious about being too much, or too visible, how do you work with that? (Hint: grounding and calming are still good.)

Mercury and Venus, both in Sag, move away from the opposition with Mars while still squaring Neptune and Jupiter. I see creative potential in Fire–Water combinations, so flowing the Fire trine in creative directions could be excellent.

The presence of Chiron is key, though. Sometimes, we can take direct action to break free from a pattern that no longer works for us.

I’m thinking here about fire walking. This ceremony invites us to walk barefoot over a carefully tended path of burning coals. Ouch, right? But it can be done. I’ve done it. You could do it.

It’s exhilarating to confront a very real fear, in a supported situation, and do the thing you thought you couldn’t do.

Look for an opening to confront something you want but which scares you, and do it anyway. Look for your firewalk.

The title image is an original Midjourney render.

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