Gibbous Moon in Aries: Focus

posted in: Aries, Gibbous Moon | 0

Overnight, we enter the Gibbous Moon phase with the Moon at 27° Aries. In this last phase before the Full Moon, we face a challenge.

There’s a moment in the hero’s journey when we’ve made it through dangers and we think we’re in the clear. Our goal is in sight. We have only to reach out our hand. And then … something happens!

A new adversary appears. Our prize disappears before our eyes. Or something. We’re lost, confused, and frustrated to be facing more tests. This is the Gibbous phase.

The challenge this time is one of focus. We may realize we’ve lost focus and/or struggle to maintain focus on the goal we’ve set.

This chart offers little Earth and none with the visible planets. Fire and Water predominate. We burn with the desire to move ahead. We’re lost in the mists. The mists might be on fire. Nothing is what it seems.

The Sun applies to oppose Mars as Venus and Mercury separate from Mars. The Aries Moon trines Mercury while sesquiquadrate the Sun and squaring Pluto. Venus squares Neptune. Mercury applies to square Jupiter.

Meanwhile, Neptune just stationed direct. This means Neptune will begin moving in direct motion, into the later degrees of Pisces. Most important, the station tells us Neptune is very intense right now.

The Venus–Neptune square takes on deeper significance. Creative and spiritual insights may emerge. In fact, choosing to focus on creative or spiritual pursuits could support those insights while reducing the amount of fog Neptune might otherwise produce.

We may find relationships becoming deeper and more intense, or very confusing. Our dreams tonight may be significant.

Choose your focus well. Be aware that whatever we choose, maintaining focus could be difficult. Our sensitivity to substances and emotional triggers will be heightened. It’s best to avoid dangerous situations in all dimensions.

The Gibbous challenge is to navigate this intense time and benefit from its riches while steering clear of confusing currents. Enjoy the ride!

The title image is an original Midjourney render.

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