Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius: Compass

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Tomorrow morning, we enter the Last Quarter phase with an Aquarius Moon squaring a Taurus Sun.

On the face of it, this looks like a standoff as lofty Aquarian principles come up against the solid reality of Taurus. But there’s more here than meets the eye.

Notice how the Sun and Moon encompass most of the rest of the chart. The Pisces and Aries planets and points lie between the luminaries.

The Moon is ruled by Saturn, who receives a sextile from the Sun. The Moon sextiles Mercury and the North Node, ruled by an energized Mars newly arrived in Aries.

Venus in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius.

These are complex conversations.

In the birth chart, planets squaring each other need to be balanced. If one side always “wins,” the other side tends to show up in challenging ways. The square aspect calls for dynamic balance maintained by active adjustments over time.

What if this Sun and Moon are asking us for just such an adjustment?

We need visions and visionaries who see beyond ordinary reality. We also need those who feel the natural world in their bones and are suspicious of big ideas. Sometimes we need to balance that polarity within ourselves.

Aquarius offers a moral compass. Its visions are based in core principles that become the true north of our lives.

Taurus brings us back to the physical compass we hold in our hand to find our way when we’re lost in the wilderness.

Sometimes the strongest elements in our moral compass are the ones based in real, physical connections with ordinary life and the natural world.

Remember too, the Jupiter–Uranus conjunction is still active. These two are outside the angle created by the Sun and Moon, and perhaps that’s important.

We are in a time of great change. Let’s check in with our bodies and spirits, our highest thoughts and our feet on the ground. Recalibrating our inner compass might be essential to navigating these times.

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