First Quarter Moon in Pisces: Fire in Water

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Tomorrow morning, the Moon in Pisces will square the Sun in Sagittarius. We enter the First Quarter phase.

The Sun–Moon square is echoed in other Fire–Water connections: Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune and apply to square Jupiter in Pisces. Fiery Mars opposes Venus and Mercury.

In the ancient Greek system, Fire and Water are incompatible. Fire dissipates Water. Water extinguishes Fire. Squares are challenging. We’re asked to balance forces that seem antithetical.

The burning directness of Fire enlivening the damp emotionality of Water, or the depth and caring of Water reining in the driving ambition of Fire.

There is another way to see these two.

Fire-in-Water is a motif found in ancient myth and folktales. It dates back to Indo-European tales from as early as 2000 BCE.

A powerful god or magical being can be found in water. His name is often a version of “Descendant of Waters.” This god is fiery, powerful, and dangerous. He can offer gifts of inspiration, poetry, and strength.

But those who try to take his fire without proper ceremony may not survive the attempt. Such tales are found throughout Asia, in Greece and Rome, and in Celtic lands.

In psychological terms, we might say powerful forms of inspiration emerge from deep within the psyche. Whether seeking mastery in the arts or spiritual power, those who dive too deeply without proper preparation and respect risk much.

And yet, to reach our goals and fulfill our dreams, dive we must. Staying safely on the shore is not a choice supported by this chart.

At the First Quarter, we devote time and energy to developing the skills we need to reach our goals. Lit by the fires of the Sun, Venus, and Mercury hidden within the waters of the Moon, Neptune, and Jupiter, what are we willing to risk?

Venus, Mercury, and Mars remain out of bounds. This is not a time to stick with the usual, the familiar, the ordinary. Where are you invited to step into the unknown? To touch fire and be enlivened by it, while still respecting the sacred waters that carry it?

The title image is an original Midjourney render.

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