Waxing Trine in Gemini: Flip Side

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Overnight, we reach the waxing trine between the Sun and Moon that happens each lunar month. This trine is from the Moon at 22 Gemini to the Sun at 22 Aquarius.

Trines are easy, flowing connections we miss if we’re not paying attention. I love talking about trines in the birth chart. They’re often strengths we take for granted.

This trine is important because Saturn is ruling a lot of planets–the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Pluto–across Aquarius and Capricorn. This serious, respect authority, work hard vibe is intensified with Pluto and Mercury conjunct, and Venus and Mars conjunct.

Things feel heavy. Work might be going well, but with this much Saturn even our work might feel stuck.

Then, Moon in Gemini. Enter the sacred clown.

This Moon pokes fun at all the serious. This role appears in so many cultures and throughout history, you know it’s important.

This is the kid who says the emperor has no clothes. This is Saturnalia, the Roman festival when the lowly sat on thrones and ordered their “betters” around. These are the scared clowns of native traditions who disrupt rituals and speak truth to power.

Notice that Gemini forms a quincunx, that awkward 150° angle, to Capricorn. Gemini wants Capricorn to lighten up, stop working so hard, and see the flip side. In fact, when we reach the exact Mercury–Pluto conjunction (six hours after the trine), that quincunx is even tighter.

So if you wake up Friday in an irreverent mood, hold onto it. Where things have felt heavy, lighten up. If you’re facing a powerful opponent, picture them with no clothes on. Where a problem seems insurmountable, look for a back door.

We don’t want to spare ourselves either. Our egos are important in helping us set and maintain boundaries, and just navigating the world. But we can all get a bit too self involved.

This is a great day to laugh. Again, not mean laughter, not cruelty, not punching down. The laughter that comes with seeing the humor in this crazy life we lead and relaxing into the mystery of it all.

Image adapted from Vincent van Zalinge

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