Gibbous Moon in Cancer: Fair Winds and a Following Sea

posted in: Cancer, Gibbous Moon | 0

The Gibbous Moon opens with a square-and-a-half, called a sesquiquadrate, between the Sun and Moon. This aspect feels edgy, pushy. Like something’s in our way just when we thought we were getting to the excitement of a Full Moon.

This Gibbous Moon brings a challenge, but it might feel more like an invitation.

Yes, the Moon is sesquiquadrate the Sun. The more noticeable aspect, though, is likely to be the trine to Jupiter in Pisces. Ahhhh, what a lovely connection. The Moon is strong in Cancer. Jupiter loves Pisces. These Water signs connect with a warm hug and then sit down to a great meal.

What’s not to like?

Well, these two are perfectly happy to sail off into the unknown together without a clear plan. Just because it feels good. It feels right.

This is the sort of thing that makes the Sun and Saturn in Aquarius go a little crazy. How can we just head off without a plan? Without knowing where we’re going? It could be dangerous. Worse yet, it could be a waste of time.

The Moon squares Chiron, the wounded healer, so we could face some sensitive issues. But the Moon–Jupiter can welcome even that because healing is part of these kinds of journeys. This is what life is about.

The Moon also moves to oppose the Venus–Mars conjunction, where these two are caught in a tense conversation about whether we commit first based on our values (Venus) or whether we try things out and see whether they work (Mars).

Maybe the Moon wants to sail away from all of it and go adventuring with Jupiter.

But maybe this Gibbous Moon challenge is about trust. Can we ever plan enough, know enough, prepare enough to be ready for what life brings? These last few years suggest the answer to that is, no, we can’t.

What if the Moon and Jupiter are challenging us, inviting us, to join them on a journey into the next phase of our lives, into whatever the Full Moon wants to show us, without being fully prepared. To sail knowing we don’t know it all. We don’t even know enough. But somehow, it feels right. So we do it.

Image adapted from Linus Nylund

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