Mercury Enters Aquarius: Bright Mind

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Mercury is about to leave Capricorn for the fixed Air of Aquarius. This shift invites us to look up–literally. To stop focusing on all we’re worried about. To raise our eyes to the skies, the clouds, and look farther than we have been.

In Capricorn, Mercury displays good judgement but mostly focuses on what’s already here. How can we manage better? How do we stay in control of what we have?

In Aquarius, the mind becomes inventive, looking for what’s new, what hasn’t emerged yet, what might be. We’re interested in possibilities and innovations.

The Leo Moon opposing Mercury keeps the focus on our own goals and desires. Aquarius is community-oriented, while Leo wants to express our passions and creative ideas.

Pluto is still very close, so transformation is in the air. The winds shift, though, toward what is new, what we love, what we want.

Mars and Venus are conjunct in Capricorn on this Valentine’s Day. These two together can be good at focus and physicality. Mercury newly arrived in Air brings language, fresh perceptions, and a new clarity.

This Mercury is eloquent.

We might want to keep an eye on what we’re passionate about, though. With a Leo Moon opposing, righteous anger can also find new words.

Sometimes we need to speak our minds. Now we might feel ready to do exactly that. Just be aware that this Leo–Aquarius combination will express itself strongly, so whether your message is supportive or cautionary, make sure your words and delivery are aligned with the impact you wish to have.

Image adapted from Rachel Coyne

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