First Quarter Square in Taurus: Discontent

Taurus Moons are usually cozy. We snuggle into whatever we love best. Tuesday opens with the First Quarter Square that asks how we’re doing so far with those goals.

It’s complicated.

Saturn, separating from the Sun, is still close enough to be part of the Sun–Moon square.

The Moon sits between Uranus and the North Node, neither comfortable for a Moon that just wants to chill. The Moon also leaves a trine between Uranus and Venus–Mars, while moving into a trine between Pluto–Mercury and the North Node. Big energy.

We might want to pull inside our shell and hide. Which could work, except the Sun–Moon square won’t let us.

Sun and Saturn continue their lofty conversation about ideals and principles. It all looks lovely on paper. But the Taurus Moon challenge says, how will that work on the ground?

There’s the rub. The place where discontent comes in. Our lives don’t look anything like those plans. Our lives are messy.

Today we feel the gulf between what someone, somewhere promised our life would be like, and how it actually unfolds.

If we’re more on the Sun–Saturn side, we push harder. We’ve aligned with the ideals. We know we can do better. And we get down on ourselves or others for not living up to the plan.

If we’re more on the Taurus Moon side, we long for security. We want to be loved just as we are. Why can’t life be simpler? This too leads to getting down on ourselves or others, for different reasons.

The thing is, ideals and reality don’t match. We aspire to greatness and then the washing machine breaks and floods the basement.

So what’s the way out of this itchy First Quarter square?

Oddly enough, we can just laugh. Not critically, or meanly, but in acceptance. The kind of laughter that embraces our highest goals and messiest mess and loves it all.

The Moon in Taurus is also good at “Be Here Now.” If it all feels overwhelming, stop a moment. Breathe. Look around you. Find one good thing. Love that.

Image adapted from David Tran

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