Waxing Sextile Moon in Aries: Ideal

The Moon moves through fiery Aries today, gathering updates as she goes. Since entering Aries and the Crescent phase, the Moon has been conjunct Chiron while squaring Mars, and then squared Venus. Soon she will sextile Saturn and the Sun. Before leaving Aries, there will be squares to Mercury and Pluto.

A busy Moon, energizing all she touches, pushing for action.

The sextile to the Sun is a moment we mark in each lunar cycle. Within the Crescent phase, it’s a moment of insight. This Aries Moon wants us to see something about Saturn and the Sun in Aquarius.

Aquarius to Aries is an interesting connection: cardinal Fire to fixed Air. What are we meant to see here?

This Aquarius season has felt especially fixed with Saturn also present. This is the sign of high-minded visions, of detailed plans for a desired future, and for strong principles. The shadow side of Aquarius is a certain rigidity around what we believe is right that often comes with a lot of “shoulds.”

There does seem to be a lot of rigidity around these days. We look around us and see other people being (in our view) irresponsible, or lax, or deluded, or committed to ideas we find abhorrent. We might look at our own lives and feel we’re not measuring up, not coping well enough with the stresses in our lives, letting others and ourselves down.

Some, or all, of this might be true. Our world is filled with serious problems and important decisions. Challenges are everywhere.

And as in so many things, how we respond is a vital first step.

Where we are immobilized because life is not a we wish, the Aries Moon says, get off dead center. Do something. Anything. One small thing. Move!

Aquarian ideals are wonderful goals. They represent the best we can aspire to. When they stop being goals and become instead markers of failure, they’re no longer helpful.

Today is a good day to notice where we are frozen in place. The Aries Moon says, ideals become real when we act.

Do something.

Image adapted from Milad Fakurian

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