Crescent Moon in Aries: Surge

posted in: Aries, Crescent Moon | 0

The Crescent Moon arrives this morning with the same patterns as yesterday: Sun conjunct Saturn. Mars and Venus approach conjunction while trining Uranus and squaring Chiron.

Once again, the Saturn–Uranus square activates the ongoing tension between Uranian forces of change and Saturnian insistence on keeping things the same. Honestly, it’s started to feel a bit old.

Today, a surge of fresh energy comes in.

The Crescent Moon is at the Aries point, the origin of the zodiacal year. This Moon signals the birth of a bright new energy.

The Moon act as herald for the Saturn cazimi, which arrives about two and half hours later.

The Sun and Saturn have been inching closer for days as Saturn slipped under the Sun’s beams. Today, Saturn reaches a moment of power and illumination as the exact conjunction occurs. This annual renewal brings fresh perspectives around issues of responsibility, authority, structure, and tradition.

Right now, no planets are retrograde. Everyone can take action is direct ways.

As we shift into the waxing phase where we take action on our goals, we’re meant to sit up and take notice.

What has changed in the last weeks? The Venus and Mercury retrogrades overlapping have been especially intense. Now we begin the process of sorting out what we’ve learned.

Also of note, Mars and Jupiter sextile each other. Each is well placed, with Mars in the stronger position. Mars and Jupiter together can be helpful, or not, depending on how we engage.

Mars can be hot headed and impulsive. Jupiter can be very sure he’s right. Together, they can create drama that’s self righteous, fiery, and big.

On the other hand, Mars in Capricorn is responsible and hard working. Jupiter in Pisces can be grounded in spiritual truths and guided by visions.

Mars rules the Crescent Moon in Aries. Our choices around how we act are especially important. Saturn rules Mars. Perhaps today’s cazimi can help guide us in choosing actions that are responsible and tempered by wisdom.

What fresh energies are you feeling?

Image adapted from Rodion Kutsaev

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