Waning Trine Moon in Virgo: Craft

Within the Disseminating phase, we reach the Sun–Moon trine (27º75’) that offers understanding and insight. With the Sun and Moon in Earth signs, this is a connection around craft.

We entered this phase feeling we needed to study. Now we’re ready to craft a response.

“Craft” is an old word, coming from Proto-Germanic up through Old English. Its oldest meanings were strength, skill, and virtue.

The modern world sees craft as quaint. Woodworking, spinning, weaving, making bread from scratch, are ways to deliberately choose an old way of life or create art. It’s not how regular people live.

Or is it? Whatever we do, we feel the moment when something goes exactly right. When everything comes together perfectly. We call it the “sweet spot” or being “in flow.” Those moments come most often when we do something we’re good at. We’ve learned the basics. We practice our craft with confidence.

The Sun applies to conjunct Pluto, who’s included in this Waning Trine. When we practice a craft well, it changes things in deep ways. This includes how we craft our own lives.

Mercury, retrograde in Capricorn, trines the North Node and sextiles the South.

We reflect on the through-line from past to future. How does our work, our craft, honor the past while building a future?

About 16 hours after the trine, Mars stations direct. Mars, out of bounds and sitting on 08º07’ Gemini for days, turns to face forward. Direct action will become easier. We can do what we need to do, what we choose to do.

The Moon sits at the apex of a yod with Saturn and Eris at its base. We need all the craft we can muster to address the fierce challenges facing the world. And we need a bit more: The answer to the problem posed by a yod lies opposite the apex. Here we find Neptune, the dreamer, the believer, the one who can bring us into flow.

This is transformative work. Living with strength, skill, and virtue is exactly what the world needs.

The title image is an original Midjourney render.

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