Last Quarter Moon in Libra: Pivot

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Tonight we enter the Last Quarter phase with a Moon in late Libra squaring a late Capricorn Sun (24º38’).

Cardinal Air squares cardinal Earth. We seek a balance between words and deeds, creative flight and solid structure, airy nothings and rock bottom.

This is the phase for taking action but the real question is, can we move yet?

Mars stationed direct just two days ago and still sits at 8º Gemini. It feels like we’ve been here forever. Can we get off dead center? Is action possible?

Mars is the focal point of two challenging aspects, a yod and Thor’s Hammer.

The yod is an awkward triangle in which two planets sextiling each other form a quincunx (150º) to the planet at the apex. In this one, the South Node and Mercury Rx are sextile and forming quincunxes to Mars.

In a yod, no planets (or points) share a mode or element. Communication is tough. There’s a problem to be solved and no easy answer. Here, the South Node and Mercury Rx both orient to the past.

Mars is direct, true, but it seems the first task is to make sense of the long retrograde. What did we learn about how and why we act? What needs to change? The wisdom-seeking, adventuring spirit of Sagittarius, opposite Gemini, may help.

The Thor’s Hammer is another, wider triangle with two planets squaring each other at the base, each forming a sesquiquadrate (135º) to the planet at the apex. Here, the Sun–Moon square sits at the bottom and both have their sights on Mars.

This is a volatile, challenging pattern. The Sun and Moon may disagree on what action to take but they’re both ready to move. The pressure is on Mars.

This is a pivot point in our journey to the New Moon and in Mars cycle as well. Where are you in this process? We’re all ready to DO something, but do we know what? And why?

The title image is an original Midjourney render.

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