Waning Sextile Moon in Scorpio: Steady

posted in: Scorpio, Waning Sextile | 0

Within the Disseminating phase, we’re catching a slight feeling things are settling down. Maybe we’re getting a few things done without herculean effort. Maybe?

The task now is to stay the course.

Early Tuesday, the Moon sextiles the Sun. This Moon in late Scorpio sextiles Pluto as well as the Sun, offering support and insight.

Pluto is the modern ruler of Scorpio, so this Moon understands this territory. Life feels intense. It could be tough, but the only way out is through.

We’ll reach two turning points on Wednesday.

First, Mercury stations direct at 08º08’ Capricorn. Stationing is an inflection point for any planet, the pause as it changes direction. We’re ready for Mercury to move forward but first we stop to notice what’s going on.

90 minutes later, the Sun reaches exact conjunction with Pluto. This meeting brings light and focus to what is emerging from the underworld. We’re reminded that dark and light coexist. Our world needs both. We hold both within ourselves.

This Sun–Pluto conjunction just as Mercury stations direct is a point of balance.

What did we learn during the recent Mars and Mercury retrogrades? Did we revisit the past? Notice patterns? Recognize things we wanted to change?

Perhaps some things we knew once were forgotten and have come to light again.

We keep going.

The title image is an original Midjourney render.

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