Balsamic Moon in Sagittarius: Healing Journey

Wednesday morning, we enter the Balsamic phase. In this last phase before the New Moon, we prepare for the new lunar cycle by letting go.

The Moon in definitely waning now, thin and dark in the sky. They’ll grow darker still as the New Moon approaches. It’s generally a time for rest, introspection, and quiet.

Yet this time, we have a Moon in mid Sagittarius, out of bounds and moving fast. How do we reconcile this with our Balsamic tasks?

This juxtaposition highlights the importance of getting familiar with the decans: The second decan of Sagittarius, where we find this Moon, is one of challenge.

Austin Coppock’s name for this decan is The Bridle. Here we encounter obstacles which, if faced, can strengthen us. One of the figures associated with this decan is Persephone, the underworld Queen who faced significant trials to attain her position.

Persephone is comfortable with the shadowy light and releasing tasks of the Balsamic Moon.

So, rather than gaily embarking on an exciting quest, we find ourselves on a healing journey. What must we let go of to prepare for this New Moon? What is completed? What is best left behind?

We might prefer to hold on to all the things–Sagittarius usually wants more, not less–but we will be stronger if we face the choices calling out to be made.

At the end of the Balsamic phase, the Sun will enter Aquarius. This is a place of exile, of choosing a path that will hold challenges but can be uniquely ours.

What can we set aside to prepare for the journeys ahead?

The title image is an original Midjourney render.

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