Disseminating Moon in Virgo: Exactitude

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We leave behind the emotional intensity of the Full Moon in Cancer to enter the Disseminating phase. Here we figure out what we learned at the Full Moon and how to share that learning.

In the first decan of Virgo (05º34’), this Moon is well equipped to sort out depth and complexity. Austin Coppock names this decan A Tree Bearing Fruit. He links its lore to prudence and to the ancient titaness Themis who had the gift of prophecy and once served as the Oracle at Delphi.

The Moon moves into a Grand Trine in Earth with Mercury retrograde in Capricorn (12º23’), and Uranus (15º00’) and the North Node (10º20’) in Taurus. The Sun (20º34’) sextiles Neptune in Pisces (23º03’) while applying to conjunct Pluto (27º58’).

As with the Full Moon, we’re in deep waters, sorting out myth and legend, archetype and emotion, to figure out next steps.

Yet this Virgo Moon is confident that with the proper care and attention, all can be arranged, studied, and understood.

The title image is an original Midjourney render.

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