Full Moon in Cancer: Sympathy

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Our first Full Moon of 2023 falls in the sign of Cancer, the Moon’s homeplace. Reaching back to one of astrology’s origin stories, to the Thema Mundi, we truly are in the Moon’s home. This Moon at 16º21’ of Cancer is conjunct the Moon in the Thema Mundi chart.

The Thema Mundi is a mythic chart, an archetypal chart, an allegory.

It describes how the planets relate to each other symbolically rather than according to their relative positions in the heavens. For example, Mercury and Venus in the Thema Mundi, are farther apart than is possible for them to be, zodiacally.

The origins of the Thema Mundi are also mythic. The 4th century lawyer and astrologer Julius Firmicus Maternus says the chart was given to us by Hermes Trismegistus. It was used in the Hellenistic tradition as a teaching tool, as it encodes a number of important patterns in astrology.

The Moon has a central place in this chart, positioned at the Ascendant, also in Cancer. The Moon is the fastest, the messenger, our connection to the wider cosmos.

One of the messages of the Thema Mundi is that we, each of us, are connected to the universe as a whole. We are all made of star stuff. This is one of the principles of the Stoics, one they called Sympatheia.

While each of us is a unique expression of the universe, we are woven together in one fabric. For this reason, we’re meant to help and support one another. This is a core Cancerian value.

This Moon in Cancer is conjunct the Moon in the Thema Mundi chart. This Full Moon captures the Moon as the first of the planets to cross the horizon of the allegorical chart of the birth of the universe. We are reminded we’re all in this together.

The Moon is a focal point in the Full Moon chart. Opposite the Sun and Mercury, trining the South Node, sextiling the North Node and Uranus, squaring Chiron, applying to trine Neptune.

The Cancer–Capricorn opposition brings in considerations of how, when, and why we care for each other. Cancer gives from a full heart, a place of emotion, with generosity–when all is well. Cancer planets in difficult circumstances can become resentful, demanding, controlling, and emotionally manipulative. Boundaries can be a problem.

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Capricorn can be giving but is more interested in fair exchange. Yes, I have things of value worth sharing. I’m willing to consider this. What can you offer in return?

There is a solidity here that Cancer lacks, a kind of stability based in reciprocity, but also a feeling at times of counting up the costs so carefully that generosity falls by the wayside. Boundaries are a problem here when they becomes too rigid.

In considering issues around social support, social scientists speak of emotional support and instrumental support.

Emotional support is Cancer’s forte. Here we have sympathy (in its modern definition), empathy, and our physical capacity via mirror neurons to literally take on the emotions of those around us. Instrumental support is Capricorn. Meeting physical, real-world needs.

This Full Moon, with Mercury retrograde in Capricorn conjunct the Sun, offers a chance to reflect where we are in having our support needs met, and also how we support others. There is a necessary dynamic balance between these two.

Having those close to us empathize when we’re in difficulty, feeling strong emotions, struggling to find our balance, offers validation, a sense of community, and support that can be lifesaving. Yet if we also have real needs that our community does not help with, when they have the capacity to help, then emotional support can begin to feel hollow, false, a bandaid that does nothing to heal the wound. The “thoughts and prayers” approach.

Receiving instrumental support when we need it is wonderful. A meal. A coat. A place to sleep. Also a job recommendation. A ride. The loan of tools, books, the outfit we need for the big interview. Giving and receiving instrumental support keeps communities alive. Yet getting things without emotional support can make us feel less than. As if we’re being judged for needing help, rather than simply being human. Giving things without sympathy can lead to hubris, a pride in having, a generosity that demeans the recipient.

This Full Moon, with Mercury retrograde, invites us to review where we are in relation to the whole concept of support. Do we judge others who need help? Do we help as we’re able? Can we empathize without being overwhelmed? Can we do both, being genuinely in sympathy with others while also offering practical help?

Next up in Capricorn is Pluto, the Moon’s next opposition. What deeper issues affect how we feel about giving and receiving support?

The Moon’s connection to the Nodes and Uranus speaks to our history, personal and collective, around these issues.

What did our lineages teach us about giving and receiving help? How are we honoring our traditions, healing them, and/or moving into new patterns? The separating square to Chiron makes it easier to feel our wounding and supports healing.

The Moon in Cancer is at their most nurturing, most supportive, most caring. In the second decan, where we find the Full Moon and the Thema Mundi Moon, we’re in a place of abundance, joy, and pleasure. Life is good, worth celebrating, and also worth taking care of. We are members, all of us, of many communities. We can celebrate them all.

It’s worth noting this Moon is out of bounds at 26ºN58’ of the equator. This Moon has slipped outside the Capricorn Sun’s stabilizing influence. Sometimes, celebrations go overboard. We overindulge. We go too far. Abundance becomes excess.

The applying trine to Neptune could be important here. Neptune in Pisces is the place of dreams that enliven and support us, or delusions that lead us astray. This Full Moon is likely to be an emotional one. We will be more sensitive than usual, including more sensitive to substances. We may need to consciously activate our connections to the Sun and Mercury in Capricorn to keep our feet on the ground.

This Full Moon is the midpoint between December’s sober New Moon in Capricorn and January’s visionary New Moon in Aquarius. What is illuminated for us now relates to the emotional component. We want a good life, a stable society, a safe world. These are Capricorn goals, Aquarius goals. Yet without feeling, what is the point? Physical safety without love or caring does not feel safe. We humans need community. We need to feel at home, not just have a home.

Tomorrow morning, Mercury reaches their cazimi with the Sun. About fourteen hours after the bright light of the Full Moon, Mercury joins the Sun for their illumination. With Mercury, we’ll need to wait to understand fully what happens at the cazimi. But we can feel it. We know something has happened. In the fullness of time, we’ll learn what it was.

Feeling comes first at this Full Moon. Understanding that helps us prepare. If we know this is an emotional time, today and tonight, we can allow the experience without being pulled under.

We can have a new and deep understanding of what we actually feel, good and bad, and understand that this is a gift of the Full Moon, not the place we’ll be all year.

Notice your feelings. Pay attention to where they show up in your body. What emotional support and instrumental support do we need today? How can we honor our experiences while taking care of ourselves? How can we offer support to others?

Images are original Midjourney renders.

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