Waning Trine Moon in Taurus: At Hand

posted in: Taurus, Waning Trine | 0

Overnight, the Sun and Moon reaching their waning trine within the Disseminating phase. This is a moment of flow, sharing information, and reaching accord.

The Sun and Moon will be at 22 Virgo and Taurus, each in the third decan of their sign.

In the third decan of Taurus, where we find the Moon, we confront forces beyond our individual control. This is precisely what this Moon is doing, conjunct Uranus the revolutionary and the North Node grasping for the future.

This is unsettling for steady, reliable Taurus.

The third decan of Virgo reminds us that the material world we carefully tend will inevitably decay. This is the cycle of life, beginning in birth, reaching culmination, and ending in death, leading to new life.

Virgo leads us into autumn, ushering in the Equinox.

Taurus and Virgo, both Earth signs, wish to be prepared. What must we have at hand for this turning of the year? Are our homes ready for a colder season to come? Do we have food stored for the months when the ground slumbers through winter?

Saturn squares the Moon. This might feel like a time of reckoning. Have we prepared well?

Sun and Moon both trine Pluto. Deep changes are underway. We feel them even if we can’t grasp them yet.

Neptune opposes the Sun and sextiles the Moon. We’re invited into spiritual and creative challenges, opportunities that also remain unclear.

What changes do you see ahead for yourself? What tools will you need to work through them?

Title adapted from Annie Spratt

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