Waning Trine Moon in Capricorn: Inward Gaze

Trines, a third of a circle, connect planets who support each other. They bring flow, a sense of ease.

Except this trine, which captures an intense moment of transition.
The Sun and Moon separate from a trine and conjunction to Pluto. Sun and Moon apply to conjunct and trine Mercury. Mercury is combust, less than a degree from the Sun.

This pattern of connection tells us inner forces are shifting, moving, changing into new forms. We can feel it happening, yet cannot grasp hold of it. Our minds will not pierce through the shadows to show us what’s going on. Not yet.

We can’t seem to think or act in the clear, decisive ways we’re used it. Don’t mistake this state for “nothing going on,” though. Plenty is happening in our dark interiors. We must wait before we gain access.

The final decans of Taurus and Capricorn are difficult places. At the end of each sign, we come up against paradox, the place where benefits shift into challenges.

Today’s trines connect intensity to intensity. This is valuable, but might not feel easy.

At 9:23 am EDT, the Sun enters Gemini.

The change from fixed Earth into mutable Air can be bright and dramatic. Today’s shift brings the Sun closer to Mercury, but does not illuminate our surroundings. This is a single shaft of light in a dark landscape. More the promise of light than enough to see by.

Best to turn our gazes inward.

Tomorrow, inward focus continues as the Sun and Mercury meet. At 3:18 pm, the cazimi arrives, Mercury in the heart of the Sun.

Brilliance bursts forth, though we cannot see it. We must wait until Mercury is no longer under the Sun’s beams.

We’re still within the Disseminating phase. But instead of us sharing with the world, the sharing is inside us, psyche to mind to heart to body, and not graspable quite yet. Patience.

Image adapted from Zachary Kadolph

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