Last Quarter Moon in Pisces: Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes

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We’ve entered the Last Quarter with a Pisces Moon who longs for everything to be OK. Just separating from Saturn, the Moon feels relief, a sense of weight lifting.

The square to the Sun and Mercury in Gemini is more about looking for ideas than offering a challenge. The mutable signs prefer compromise to battle, Pisces most of all.

At this halfway point between the Full and New Moons, we’d love some answers. They’re not likely to show up right away.

At 10 pm, Mercury slips back into Taurus, slowing our thoughts and grounding them in reality.

In the final decan of Taurus, we see how things can go badly, no matter how hard we work. This is the freak storm that destroys crops, the accident that ruins everything we’ve built.

This reality Taurus would prefer not to see, but must accept.

Mars rules the final decan of Pisces. Ready to be reborn, he’s so done with compromise. He’ll do anything to leave misty, mystical Pisces behind. This is a place of sacrifice. What are we willing to give up in exchange for a new beginning?

At 11 pm on Monday, Venus reaches her exact conjunction with Eris ,at the same time Mars sextiles Mercury.

Venus and Eris focus attention on the desperate needs of our world. Mars and Mercury grapple with balancing grief for what we’ve lost with the drive to start anew.

We feel how deeply things must change and we’re conflicted.

Tuesday evening (7:17 pm EDT), we shift decisively toward action.

Mars enters Aries with the Moon, creating a Mars–Moon–Jupiter conjunction. This will be tough to miss, as Mars boosts the energy of the Moon, Jupiter, Chiron, Eris, and Venus.

Suddenly, Aries becomes the predominant sign.

The Moon, Mars, and Jupiter sextile the Sun. I suspect this will feel like the opening of Gemini season, when we tap into everything bright, curious, and ready to move.

Mercury remains retrograde, hidden under the Sun’s beams, which keeps us focused on inner work.

But the mood has shifted. We entered the Last Quarter with a Pisces Moon. We will leave on fire.

Image adapted from Nick Fewings

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