Waning Trine Moon in Cancer: Flow

posted in: Cancer, Waning Trine | 0

The waning trine between the Sun and Moon becomes a Grand Trine in Water that includes Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces, as well as Venus, Mercury, and the South Node in Scorpio.

All planets are in the third, final decan of their signs. For each Water sign, the last decan speaks of desires fulfilled and unfulfilled. Here we find wildness, intemperate longings, and transgressive acts.

The Moon in late Cancer remains out of bounds. We’ll feel all the feels, good and bad, serene and wild, calm and crazy.

If we stay grounded and authentic, though, these Water decans offer the possibility of release. Letting go of old loves and past attachments, finding ourselves in a new place, and seeing our longings as our own creations.

There is emotional work here, which the trine supports. The flow from Cancer to Pisces to Scorpio to Cancer allows us to look at our desire nature from each viewpoint, as we stay fully in the feelings that arise.

This is a private process, mysterious and deep. Sharing too soon can interrupt the flow and short circuit our chances for new insights.

Perhaps this is why this Disseminating phase doesn’t feel like the right time to speak.

There’s too much coming up, too many eclipse revelations to sort out. Keeping our own counsel allows time for alchemy to happen.

Notice Pluto is opposite the Moon, and sextiles both the Pisces and Scorpio planets. Our Grand Trine is actually a Kite, with the great alchemist at its apex.

We’re in a place of transformation. Go with the flow. Feel emotions fully without looking for specific outcomes. Let insights float to the surface as they will. This is the gold from the depths.

The title image is an original Midjourney render.

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