Waning Sextile Moon in Leo: Bold

posted in: Leo, Waxing Sextile | 0

We’re still in the Last Quarter phase when we reach the Waning Sextile early Thursday morning.

This connection is juicy–because it’s a sextile, the Moon is in Leo, and so many planets are involved.

The Moon in Leo is bold. We’re invited into playful creativity, passionate expression, and standing up for who we are.

Venus is conjunct the Sun in Libra. They emphasize the creative side of Leo, values, and relationship. Who are we creating with? Are we aligned with core values?

The trine to Mars in Gemini adds flexibility, experimentation, curiosity, and irreverence.

Yods bring in Pluto and Neptune. The yod aspect is an awkward linking: Two quincunxes (150°) with a sextile at the bottom. Three planets in different elements and modes trying to work things out, with little common ground.

This can feel frustrating. Something new is needed. Look for the ‘answer’ to a yod in the place opposite the apex.

One yod links the Moon and Mars and points to Pluto. In the face of transformation, do we engage from a strong, possibly stubborn, place? Or do we get curious and flexible?

The sign opposite Pluto in Capricorn is Cancer. Our answer depends on how we feel and our desire to care for those important to use.

Another yod has the Sun and Moon at its base and Neptune at the apex. In the face of uncertainty, in the presence of the numinous, do we stand passionately in who we are? Or do we open to exploring what else (and who else) needs to be brought in?

The sign opposite Neptune in Pisces is Virgo. Our answer lies in taking small steps in a spirit of humble service.

(There’s an out-of-sign yod pointing to Jupiter in Aries, but the essence of the yod is linking “incompatible” energies, so we’ll let this one go.)

There’s a lot going on in the late degrees right now. If you have planets or points anywhere in the mid 20’s, you’ll be feeling these patterns more personally.

We’re about to enter a transformational time of shifts and eclipses. Engage with these sextiles and yods to sort out what comes up for you.

Title image is an original Midjourney render.

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