Balsamic Moon in Virgo: Descent

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Friday afternoon, we enter the Balsamic phase. This time before a New Moon, when the Moon has little light, is usually quiet. We rest and release.

This Balsamic Moon asks for something different.

The Moon is semisquare the Sun and Venus. Venus is so very close, but not yet cazimi. The Virgo Moon wants to be sure all is carefully prepared. The Sun and Venus are too close to pay much attention to anything else.

The Moon trines the North Node and sextiles the South. We’re reminded that this New Moon is a partial solar eclipse. A shadow will obscure the Sun.

As the Moon moves through Virgo, she will trine Uranus, oppose Neptune, square Mars, and trine Pluto, collecting messages.

The Sun and Venus already square Pluto the alchemist.

Within this Balsamic phase, Venus will reach her cazimi in the final degree of Libra. Saturn will station direct. Then Venus and the Sun will enter Scorpio.

We’re in deep, shadowy territory.

The square to Mars might push us to move faster, but the larger picture calls for care and consideration. We’re asked to contemplate past and future, the outer cosmos and inner psyche, and deep transformation.

In these days of letting go, we’re already in the chaotic field of this year’s final pair of eclipses.

It’s not time to set intentions, or do any work linked to specific effects or outcomes. Instead, we’re in a time of oracles.

In chaos, we look for signs. We seek insight. What is moving toward us? What is moving away? How do we feel about that?

Consider the difference between ‘prediction’ and ‘foresight,’ two words often seen as interchangeable.

With prediction, we “speak ahead,” saying this will happen, that will not.

With foresight, we “look ahead,” scanning for clues, messages, signposts.

Look ahead without predicting. Hold everything loosely, knowing we’re in a fluid time. Let go of what wants to move away.

Title image is an original Midjourney render.

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