Waning Sextile Moon in Cancer: Where Is Home?

posted in: Cancer, Waning Sextile | 0

Within the Last Quarter phase, the Sun and Moon sextile each other, another moment of communication and accord, more energized than the trine.

At first look, this sextile between a Sun in Virgo and a Moon in Cancer speaks of hearth and home. Here, we find our place in the world. We have family we care for and who care for us (however we define family).

It’s everyday things like cooking and sewing and cleaning and chopping wood and carrying water, plus a loving sense of acceptance and belonging.

What more could we want?

Another look at the chart reveals that this simple sextile is part of a “Mystic Rectangle” that includes the flow and connection of trines and sextiles with the challenge of oppositions.

In this case, we suddenly find ourselves very far from our cozy hearth. Pluto and Neptune are involved.

The Sun opposes Neptune and trines Pluto. The Moon opposes Pluto and trines Neptune. Neptune and Pluto sextile each other.

“Home” includes the darkest depths of our individual and collective unconscious. The Roman playwright Terence said, “I am human and nothing human is foreign to me.”

A statement a Moon in Cancer connecting to Pluto in Capricorn could agree on.

“Home” also reaches to encompass the farthest stars, while also embracing all the unseen worlds around us. Carl Sagan said, “We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”

A Sun in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces might find common ground here.

Yet we like to know where we stand. We like detailed maps, complete explanations, and common sense.

As we navigate Tuesday’s Mystic Rectangle, we’ll likely stumble into and out of various ways of thinking about all this. Eat well. Get enough sleep. Stay hydrated. These will keep Virgo and Cancer content. Also, dream big. Look at the stars. Honor what the psyche brings forward.

This is a day when we touch all the points on the compass as we look for home.

Title art: original Midjourney renders

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