Balsamic Moon in Leo: Holding Space

posted in: Balsamic Moon, Leo | 0

Throughout this lunar cycle, we’ve seen patterns connecting the personal planets (us) to the outer planets (the big, big world).

This phase begins when the Moon is 45° away from the Sun, an edgy, waning aspect inviting us to let go of what is complete, or no longer needed.

Tonight, the Moon carries much more than that.

This Leo Moon opposes Saturn and squares Uranus. Yep, the Saturn–Uranus square is activated again. We feel the pull between tradition and revolution.

The Moon squares the Nodes of the Moon. We see ourselves on a long timeline between past and future. We feel the presence of fate.

Chiron trines the Moon and sextiles Saturn. We connect to old wounds. We’re invited to do the work of healing.

Mars sextiles the Moon and Chiron, and trines Saturn. Fresh ideas, a curious mind, and out-of-the-box thinking move us forward.

Where we feel strong, we look squarely at the world and its challenges, ready to meet them. We expect difficulty and also joy. We feel the support of ancestors. We look to the future with confidence.

Where we’re stressed, we may feel the need to fight. Where are our weapons? Where is our armor?

Sometimes, this is necessary.

First, though, we look to our ancestral legacies. We draw strength from the challenges those who came before us survived. We celebrate their triumphs.

In the present, we face the tension between maintaining structures and tearing them down. What is our focus? What are our goals right now? What do we need to move forward?

In this Balsamic time, we hold space for what is and what will be. We let everything not essential fall away.

Title art: original Midjourney render

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