Last Quarter Moon in Leo: Spotlight

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We’re entering the Last Quarter Moon phase, a time of transition.

Squares (a Sun–Moon square initiates this phase) are challenges that ask for and sometimes require action. At the Last Quarter, we have a chance to act on everything we’ve learned up ’til now. This is where we work, where we do the thing our New Moon goals led us to.

The Leo Moon is the focal point of this chart. One glance tells you that. The home of the Sun, the place where we desire to be creative and passionate, where we long to be seen and appreciated.

The Moon is the messenger of the skies, receiving and transmitting news. This Moon connects to the Sun and also to Mars, the Nodes, Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Chiron.

We’re in a place of power and focus. What is calling you? What have you been working toward? What are you ready to enact?

Of course, a Leo Moon also puts their own spin on things. We want to know: How does this affect me? How can I play with this creatively? How can this help me shine?

We have the heart of the lion as we square off with the Sun in a place of shadows, of other kinds of power, and potentially of fear.

What are we ready to face? Where can we shine our light? What boon can be ours if we claim it?

During this phase, Mars enters Scorpio. We reach Halloween and Samhain by the calendar. We are in a thin place. Mars has the power to open doors.

Astrological Samhain does not arrive until November 7, and, we are already in the thin time. What we do, what we don’t do, will echo beyond this moment.

Image adapted from Joe Shields

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