Mars Enters Scorpio: Opening Portals

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Tomorrow Mars enters Scorpio while combust the Sun. This is a powerful sign for Mars.

While being combust means the planet is hidden, it feels just fine for Mars in Scorpio, who loves stealth and secrecy. Certainly muscles will flex now he’s left Libra behind.

The Sun approaches Samhain (Halloween), tomorrow by the calendar and on November 7 astrologically. Scorpio Mars adds to the intensity this year, the sense of access to power and also to protection.

At the same time, this Mars is ready to cut through barriers. Portals will open.

Note this Sun–Mars conjunction triggers the Saturn–Uranus square. I wonder if we’ll see more of the explosive release of secrets we’ve been reading about recently.

Mars remains in Scorpio until December 13. Your experiences will relate to your Mars, how Scorpio shows up in your birth chart, and aspects to your chart Mars will form as he traverses this sign of mystery and power.

We can meet this Mars in our lives in the form of those who manipulate, act passive aggressively, and seek control behind the scenes. Also those who are deeply in touch with their psychological depths, with occult skills and actions, and who understand how power functions and are prepared to use that knowledge.

Mars does things. This is an opportune time to connect with how we experience and express anger, how we experience and mange fear, how we feel about the occult, and where we want to dive in deep to learn more.

Image adapted from kiwi thompson

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