Waning Sextile Moon in Virgo: Heads Up

posted in: Virgo, Waning Sextile | 0

Tomorrow before dawn (in my time zone) the Moon in Virgo sextiles the Scorpio Sun. This fleeting aspect offers an early warning patterns we want to know about.

Sextiles are friendly communications. A chance to check in. Get an update. Virgo Moons can be anxious and also value being prepared. Consider this sextile to be a well-meant and timely heads up.

Mars’ entry into Scorpio added intensity to a new activation of the Saturn–Uranus square. Remember, this square is the defining signature of 2021. An ongoing struggle between change and stasis, revolution and tradition, maintaining the status quo and creating something radically new. It’s a challenging time in history that affects everyone everywhere.

Now we see the Moon sextile the Sun, trine Uranus, and inconjunct Saturn. A gentle was to see that the Sun, supported by Mars, opposes Uranus and squares Saturn.

The Virgo Moon helpfully, cautiously, draws our attention to the astrological weather.

The Sun’s aspect to Uranus and Saturn will only last a few days. Mars, on the other hand, advances behind the Sun. His square to Saturn and then opposition to Uranus will last longer, feel fiercer, and stir up more conflict.

We’ll soon enter the Balsamic phase where we let go of what we no longer need. This Moon is saying, “Why not start now? Let’s prepare.”

Look at two areas in your life:

Where can you let go of attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, or feelings that don’t serve you?

Where can you bring in excellent self care? Virgo knows what makes us feel safe and secure. Find some of that. Stock up.

Image adapted from Scott Rodgerson

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