Balsamic Moon in Virgo: Underneath

posted in: Balsamic Moon, Virgo | 0

We’ve entered the Balsamic phase now, the quiet, reflective time before we move into the New Moon. This is a time to gather our thoughts, check in with our feelings, and prepare for the time to come.

The late Virgo Moon wants to be sure all is ready, all prepared. Once again a focal point in the chart (though not the only one this time), the Moon squares Venus, trines Pluto, forms an inconjunct to Jupiter, opposes Neptune, and makes another inconjunct to the asteroid Eris.

For a Virgo Moon, this is a lot to juggle. Making lists can help (literally) but also realizing that we all have limitations and that’s ok.

The Sun move from the square to Saturn to oppose Uranus, in orb to both, triggering the tension we’ve faced all year between change and stability, staying with what we know or striking out on a bold new path.

It’s Scorpio season. We’re digging. Delving. Looking at what’s underneath. What’s usually hidden away.

At the New Moon, the Sun and Moon meet at 12 Scorpio opposite Uranus. Scorpio does not like change all that much, but also knows that secrets need to be uncovered. Uranus agrees.

The next two lunations, Full Moon and New Moon, are both eclipses. These also bring change.

Since these Moons are likely to bring change, this Balsamic phase is a good time to excavate. The question of what we can let go of is both deeper and more urgent.

Take the time to consider where you are now and where you’d like to be. What gets in the way? Attitudes. Beliefs. Emotions. Thoughts. All necessary, and, sometimes we need to change things up.

Use these next days to explore what supports you. Let go of what does not.

Image adapted from Scott Eckersley

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