Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn: Reality Principle

Tonight, just before midnight EDT, Mercury will cross the threshold from Pisces to Aries.

It might not be the easiest night to fall asleep as we suddenly think of all the things we should have said to the guy when that thing happened.

But the Moon’s in pragmatic Capricorn ready to temper Aries fire on the anvil of reality. Look, the Moon says, it’s over. Like, really over. No good ever comes of late night texting.

Tomorrow morning, we reach the Last Quarter square as that same Capricorn Moon checks in with the Aries Sun–Chiron–Ceres–Venus conjunction. The message is the same: Be practical. Be responsible. Think it through.

Of course, neither Capricorn nor Aries is that focused on the needs of others. Which means this Last Quarter could include plans for revenge, of the “Don’t get mad, get even” variety.

Again, the best Capricorn Moon contribution is a dose of reality. What are the risks? Are they worth the satisfaction?

Whatever we do during this Last Quarter phase, we want it to work and we want it to last.

Consider the blacksmith, a hardworking, Capricorn type who is also considered magical in many cultures because of their ability to work with fire.

Smiths temper metals, heating and cooling them, working and shaping them, to create weapons––and also tools. We can beat all the swords into plowshares and we’ll still need the blacksmith.

So when Aries irritation comes knocking, turn the energy toward something productive. Make something. Or make something happen. But make it count.

Tomorrow is Easter Sunday, a day of rebirth and renewal for those who celebrate it. On such a day, as Capricorn and Aries seek a workable balance, we can remember the prayer attributed to St. Francis:

“Make me an instrument of your peace.”

Image adapted from Malcolm Lightbody

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