Waning Trine Moon in Sagittarius: Freedom / Diversity

posted in: Sagittarius, Waning Trine | 0

Sometimes we can miss a trine. They’re so easy. The energy flows. If we don’t pay attention, it goes by like a fresh breeze and is gone.

This trine, tho.

Moon in Sag conjunct the South Node of the Moon trines Sun in Aries still conjunct Chiron and Venus. This trine will be blindingly bright.

Freedom! It’s a clarion call. Freedom, adventure, movement, desire, self-determination. These are vital values. Key to Aries season and well supported by Sagittarius.

Except freedom as an absolute is the South Node, the past. Across we have the North Node and Mars in Gemini catching their own trine from Saturn.

Here we have diversity. A diversity of ideas, experiences, people, innovations that somehow, with Saturn’s help, coalesce into a coherent, clear vision.

I cannot do whatever I want, when I want, when others are around with their own needs and desires. On the other hand, doing whatever I want, when I want, doesn’t mean much if I am totally, completely alone.

So which is it? Freedom or diversity?

Ok, clearly it’s both. But how to we get there? How do we honor individual freedom within complex societies?

This Waning Trine Moon shows us the paradox. If we pay attention to the interwoven trines and sextiles, we might also glimpse some answers.

Hint: Hierarchies are not involved.
Also hint: Patriarchy is off the table.
Last hint: Mercury is about to enter Aries. Some straight talking (and listening) could help.

Image adapted from Aditya Saxena

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