Waning Sextile Moon in Aquarius: Passion

posted in: Aquarius, Waning Sextile | 0

A few hours ago, Venus in Aries formed a sextile to Mars in Gemini. What a way to open the day! Venus in Aries’ sign, Mars in Mercury’s sign and Mercury also in Aries.

A good day for personal creativity. (April is for writing poems, a short form Aries can get behind.) A less-good day for deciding to speak your mind.

There’s nothing wrong with saying what we think, but Mars–Venus can cut. You only wanted to get something off your chest, so where did this blood come from?

Enter the Moon in Aquarius. Today we reach the waning sextile between Sun and Moon that forms during the Last Quarter phase. A moment of understanding and insight.

Because Venus is still so close to the Sun, she’s included. And so is Mars, trined by the Moon. So we have a larger pattern of the Sun and Venus sextiling both Mars and the Moon who trine each other.

Now the flash-in-the-pan spark of Mars–Venus becomes something more. Now we ask: What moves us? What invigorates our minds and hearts?

This is about passion. Something deeper, more lasting. Something that will endure.

In Capricorn, at the Last Quarter, the Moon reminded us to build to last. Now the waning sextile lights up what we care about enough to commit that kind of energy to.

“Passion” as we now use the word is modern, from late 16th century. Before then, it meant suffering. Affliction, but also the sense of something we must endure.

Aquarius brings us back to core values. Creating with passion leads to suffering as we struggle to bring a beautiful vision into a less malleable reality.

What do you long to create, despite the inevitable difficulty? What can we create together?

Image adapted from Everton Vila

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