Last Quarter Moon in Cancer: Sensitive

posted in: Cancer, Last Quarter Moon | 0

In a few hours, we reach the Last Quarter square, a time to take action on whatever challenge the square represents.

We’re halfway between the Full and New Moons. It’s time to make good on the Full Moon’s gifts before moving into the Balsamic phase of letting go.

Yet, as we’ve seen during this lunar cycle, this Last Quarter is complex and potentially difficult.

The Moon is strong in Cancer. Here we long to take care of family, keeping them safe and well. Cancerians feel emotionally but prefer not to show it. Instead, this Moon lavishes care on others.

Tonight’s Moon is out of bounds, slipping outside solar control. Emotions may be unusually intense. We may feel sensitive, needy, or nostalgic.

This Moon participates in two Thor’s Hammer aspects, known for being difficult. Words like “willful” and “volatile” come up with this pattern, which is a wide triangle with a square at the bottom and two sequisuadrates leading up to the apex.

The Sun–Moon square forms the base of a Hammer pointed at Jupiter. The Venus–Jupiter square forms the base of a Hammer pointing back to the Moon.

We’re in sensitive territory.

If you feel emotional, be kind to yourself and to those around you. We’re all going to need some extra care.

Perhaps you feel fine but wonder why everyone else is so sensitive. Look to the Moon. Don’t take things too personally.

The ongoing Grand Trine in Air can help keep things on an even keel. Sun and Mars trine Saturn and also the North Node and Ceres. As before, the South Node turns this Grand Trine into a Kite.

Clear thinking and communication certainly help when feeling are stirred up, but remember the Moon isn’t likely to listen to solar guidance right now.

Our feelings deserve attention and care. Chiron opposes the Sun and Mars, and squares the Moon. Healing can happen.

So, honor your feelings. Don’t over-interpret. Remember what Kurt Vonnegut said:

“There’s only one rule that I know of, babies–God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.”

Image adapted from Clément Falize

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