Mercury Stations Retrograde: Balance

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We’re now fully inside the final Mercury retrograde of this calendar year. Mercury has been standing around for a few days now and officially stationed retrograde overnight.

Mercury will conjunct the Sun on October 9 and turn direct on October 18. For the next weeks, we’ll be checking in with how well we balance various aspects of who we are and how we relate to the world.

Libra is often considered an easy-going sign. Libra, it’s said, wants everyone to be happy and everything to be nice.

There’s another side to Libra, though, in which this cardinal Air sign steps up to advocate for those whose voices have been silenced. This more fierce face of Libra is one we’re likely to get in touch with during the coming weeks.

Mercury at 25 Libra is in deep conversation with big powers. Opposing Eris, squaring Pluto, and trining Jupiter, this Mercury will not play it small.

Venus, ruler of Libra and therefore of this retrograde, is in Scorpio. She’s not about to shy away from difficult questions and tough answers. During Mercury’s retrograde, Venus will trine Neptune, square Jupiter, and sextile Pluto, adding her own insights to Mercury’s conversations.

Remember that retrogrades are times for re- things. As Mercury moves back through Libra, we’re invited to revisit, reconsider, review, reflect, revise.

This is a belt and braces kind of time, when we tuck in loose threads or unfinished business that might trip us up.

Even though Mercury might come up against difficulties, it’s generally best to welcome the opportunity. We get to reexamine how we engage with the world at large, with our inner lives, and with the depths of the unconscious.

Big topics. We won’t all get to all of them. What comes up for each of us will depend on our chart and where we are in our lives.

We’re always invited to gather the support we need around us, especially in a relational sign like Libra. Don’t feel you need to make this journey alone.

Seek balance in all things.

Image adapted from Sean Benesh

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