Balsamic Moon in Leo: Essential

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The Moon moves into this last phase of letting go in the final decan of Leo. This decan’s theme is fighting for what we’ve won with tenacity and determination.

In this Balsamic phase, we’re called on to bring tenacity and determination to letting go.

Picture a great actor alone on the stage. Their performance brings forward everything they’ve learned, felt, experienced, remembered. It’s magnificent. It’s also stripped down to the essentials.

Stage tricks are the hallmark of inexperienced performers unsure of their craft and their role. The masters have no need of extra business. They get up on stage and give great performances from the heart.

So think. What is essential? What do each of us need at this point in our lives? If something is no longer needed, or maybe was never needed, let it go.

There will be more than enough information to guide us. This Moon is sextile Mercury, square Venus, quincunx Pluto, opposite Jupiter, quincunx Neptune, and square Eris.

The Leo Moon sits at the apex of all of these patterns. The heart guides all. (Leo rules the heart. The Moon rules the body and our emotions.)

We’re going up on stage for the performance of our lives. We need only our skill, our knowledge, and whatever few props are part of the role.

Everything else can go. It’s time to focus on essentials.

Image adapted from Stéphan Valentin

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