Last Quarter Moon in Aries: Do We Care?

posted in: Aries, Last Quarter Moon | 0

The Mars–Saturn opposition is exact today, igniting the Saturn–Uranus square. Today’s other square is the Sun–Moon, Cancer to Aries, challenge that opens the Last Quarter.

To say the news cycle is on fire is … not news. Extreme heat, infrastructure collapse, arrests of insurrectionists, violent protests in ‘hot spots’ around the world, discoveries of more unmarked graves of babies and children. The list is goes on.

Of course there is good news as well, and today we let the record show where we are as a world.

The question is, do we care?

The Sun and Moon participate directly in the Mars–Uranus–Saturn T-square. The Moon conjuncts Chiron as both trine Mars, sextile Saturn, and square the Sun. This amplifies the theme from the waning trine, in which Chiron asked for a healing balance between rash action (Mars) and obstruction (Saturn). Now the Moon adds immediacy to the request.

The Sun in Cancer sits at the top of a yod with Saturn and the South Node at its base. At 10 Cancer, we’ve just moved into the second decan whose theme is a walled garden.

That impulse to hide inside our own safe place shows Saturn in Aquarius (high ideals) and the Sag South Node (lessons from the past) in a different light.

A yod’s solution lies opposite its apex, which here is Capricorn, Saturn’s hard work sign. Capricorn also moves out into the world, creating and building structures according to plan. We could maybe try to hide inside our privilege but it won’t work for long.

What’s the plan? Here’s the Saturn in Aquarius question. We struggle to answer.

So we look again at Chiron, sitting today with the Aries Moon. Yes, the Cancerian Sun cares, sometimes with an intensity that gets in the way of finding remedies. Chiron highlights where we get activated, feel distress, and shut down. This is the pattern we’re asked to notice.

Part of the answer is to work on healing old trauma patterns. When deep patterns of hurt and loss live in our bodies, we struggle mightily to care for others and the world. Self healing is key.

The other part of the answer is to widen our circles of care. Even when it’s a stretch. Even when we feel justified. Even when we can’t see the other point of view, or ask, why me?

This Last Quarter chart tells us that our care must be active. We begin with ourselves and extend out more and more, until all the world is enclosed in our idea of family and home.

This planet Earth IS our home. Knowing that deep in our bones and feeling it in our hearts are first steps to taking direct action on the issues that threaten our family.

Image adapted from Eelco Böhtlingk

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