Waning Sextile Moon in Taurus: The Long Now

posted in: Taurus, Waning Sextile | 0

Tomorrow morning we reach the waning sextile, an energetic connection between the Sun and Moon within the Last Quarter phase.

This moment of insight crystallizes our learning as we move toward the New Moon to come.

The Saturn–Uranus square is all lit up. Again. As if we couldn’t notice it all on its own. Of course we do notice because our lives are in tumult, one way or another.

So, yes, 2021 is the year we confront how we find comfort in structure and hate change, and equally are stifled by existing structures and want things to change A LOT.

This sextile’s insight unfolds as we explore its aspects.

The Taurus Moon sits with Uranus. Big Change is highlighted except the Moon in Taurus is notorious for loving comfort.

Because of the extra orb allowed the Sun and Moon, both Venus and Mars are pulled into a T-square, opposing Saturn while squaring Uranus and the Moon.

The Moon sextiles the Sun, who is squared by Chiron in Aries and inconjunct Saturn.

Chiron, a consistent presence this cycle, continues to point out where things hurt. Let’s face it, we humans generally change only when we have to. Chiron shows us the “have to.”

Mars and Venus are full of creative passion and intensity. Saturn holds out for principled, slow, tried and true forms. Uranus is past ready for deep change. The Sun in Cancer wants everyone to be ok.

What is the Taurus Moon telling us? Usually this Moon says something like, ‘take it easy, get a massage, have some wine and chocolate.’

That’s not what I’m hearing this time. This Moon, standing with Uranus, looks to a far distant horizon. This Moon sees the Long Now.

What would it mean if we planned not for the next market cycle but for the next 10,000 years? It kind of stops you in your tracks, doesn’t it?

This is what the Moon wants. To stop us. So we can settle. So we can look farther than we ever have before. So we can think and feel as the Earth does. That’s the kind of change a Taurus Moon can handle.

Image adapted from Casy Horner

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