Waning Trine Moon in Pisces: A Middle Path

posted in: Pisces, Waning Trine | 0

Before dawn tomorrow (in my time zone), the Sun and Moon reach the trine that comes within the Disseminating phase. This moment of insight can bring our Full Moon learning into sharper focus, or point us toward something we’ve missed.

With the Cancer Sun trining a Pisces Moon conjunct Jupiter, we’re going to feel vulnerable, and unclear. That is, unless we’ve been following practices that calm the mind and heart.

Both of course could be true: We’ve been trying to practice and still we’re feeling tender. The key here is to stay with what you feel in your body.

Mars is moving toward the exact opposition to Saturn, followed by a square to Uranus that once again activated 2021’s Saturn–Uranus square.

Mars in Leo can be pushy and demanding. If you’ve been unclear about what you actually wanted, having both Mars and Venus in Leo might have turned some lights on. But possibly, now we know what we want, we want it now. Yesterday, even.

Saturn is not a “now” kind of planet. Goals and plans will be requested. Uranus supports “now” so Mars will feel an added boost. Things could feel tense, not only at this waning trine but through the next week.

Notice that Chiron the wounded healer is trining Mars and sextiling Saturn. The healer/mentor opens a conversation between these opponents. There are things Saturn can understand about Mars’ urgency. Likewise, Mars could maybe appreciate the need for planning and structure before rushing in.

Here’s where the vulnerability of Sun–Moon–Jupiter meets the stop-and-go energy of Saturn–Mars–Uranus: There really are things we want and need. It’s normal to feel a sense of urgency and pressure when those needs have gone unmet for some time. And success depends on longevity which means plans and structure.

We need a middle path that honors deep emotion, acknowledges unmet needs, and also sees the need for careful steps. This is the potential gift of the trine.

Image adapted from Thao Le Hoang

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