Last Quarter Moon in Aries: Add Heat

posted in: Aries, Last Quarter Moon | 0

Tomorrow morning we enter the Last Quarter, halfway between the Full and New Moon. This is an Aries Moon: active, bright, and (with this weather) overheated.

Here we take action on what we developed during the waxing Moon and learned more about at the Full Moon. Aries will certainly help.

To understand the current climate, we need to know what’s happening today. A lot has happened since we entered the Disseminating phase a few days ago.

Venus entered Cancer July 16, a lovely first step, bringing quiet, calm, and cooling to our emotions and relationships. This Venus nurtures the family but can feel vulnerable.

Center yourself in the peaceful shelter of this Venus. Today, three events turn up the heat.

First, Mercury has entered Leo. Here, our perceptions, processing, and communication can become dramatic and also creative. Focus on the creative side. This Leo is still hidden under the beams of the Sun. They’re not yet able to function with clarity, which could frustrate the Lion.

Instead of driving forward with heated discussions, let this Mercury explore new creative forms and outlets as a way to process what we’ve learned.

Second, Chiron in Aries stationed retrograde with the Moon was right there, conjunct Chiron. Chiron has already been moving very slowly, as planets do when they station.

We now reach the inflection point, the most intense time. An old pattern may resurface, perhaps related to our anger or how anger affects us. The presence of the Moon tells us to notice. It’s important. Rather than reenacting harmful patterns, link back to that cool, calm Venus.

Last and not least, tonight, the Sun reaches their exact opposition to Pluto.

Remember the Full Moon was conjunct Pluto. Now as we reach the halfway point, the Moon squares Pluto and the Sun, creating a T-square.

How this feels will depend on how you relate to Pluto and to deep transformation.

Pluto’s presence can elicit fear, resistance, and denial, but the energy has an inexorable quality. What will happen, will happen, so our choice is how to respond.

This does NOT mean we’re heading to disaster. Your experience depends on your birth chart, current transits, and your relationship to Pluto.

It does mean we’ll feel added heat in areas of life reflecting our chart and whatever personal work we’re doing.

This is not a bad thing, although it can be a challenge. It’s an opportunity to dive into the energy of these times and see what we can make of it.

Title adapted from Sharon McCutcheon

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