Balsamic Moon in Gemini: Brand New Eyes

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We’ve slipped into the Balsamic Moon phase. If you didn’t notice the shift, it could be the Gemini Moon with its fresh perspectives doesn’t automatically have us thinking about endings.

The next few days, we have the chance to let go of what’s complete, what isn’t serving us, what’s ready to move out of our lives. How can a Gemini Moon help us here?

Leo, where the Sun is now and the Moon will be at the New Moon, is a fixed sign. Full of fire, light, creativity, and passion, yes, and also fixed. There’s a strong need to be right, to be seen and recognized as an authority.

Leo does not suffer fools gladly. Sometimes Leo’s view of who is foolish gets a little too broad. Gemini plays the fool very well indeed.

A Leo–Gemini combination might be the archetype of the monarch and the jester.

A court jester has a surface role and a deep one. On the surface, the jester entertains the monarch, bringing fun and a light spirit into challenging situations.

The deeper role is to let the air out of grandiosity. To use humor when the ruler is too sure, too lordly, too ready to lay down the law without considering all options.

This is what the Balsamic Gemini Moon brings.

Are we too sure? Too set in our ways? Too ready to believe we’re right and everyone else is wrong–or at least mistaken? The Gemini Moon can help us let that go.

The Moon sextiles Chiron. Cutting through the bullshit can clear the ground for real healing.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
– Albert Einstein

Sometimes we need to look with brand new eyes.

Title adapted from Sahand Hoseini

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