Disseminating Moon in Pisces: Postcards

A Full Moon conjunct Pluto invites us (compels us?) into darkness and intensity. We enter the Disseminating phase with … postcards. Snapshots. Nothing too articulate. Nothing focused.

About four and a half hours before the Disseminating phase begins, Mercury reaches their cazimi. This is Mercury’s superior conjunction, away from us on the far side of the Sun.

Mercury, who has been a morning star, reappears in a few weeks as the evening star. In the meantime, our capacity to perceive, process, and communicate is subsumed in the overwhelming brilliance of our own star, the Sun.

Traveling with the Moon, we’ve squared Eris, been conjunct Pluto, opposite Ceres (mother of Persephone), and conjunct Saturn. The range of experiences has been … what, exactly? Perhaps too much to take in.

This is why we turn to snapshots to capture something of the experience.

“See? Here’s me with Pluto. No, I don’t remember what we talked about, but the dreams that night were really intense.”

Sharing some of the intensity we’re experiencing creates connection and community. The Moon in Pisces can be an excellent listener. We’re all on crazy journeys these days. You might hear exactly what you need to know.

Uranus moves closer to the North Node. The clue you need might come from a very unexpected place.

So, sure, this Disseminating Moon might not have a polished elevator pitch ready to share with the world. That’s ok. The Moon in Pisces knows we all need time to process. Absorbing everything coming at us right now is impossible anyway.

Reach out. Share some words or images. Take in to what is shared with you.

Title adapted from Becky Phan

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