First Quarter Moon in Virgo: Spin

posted in: First Quarter Moon, Virgo | 0

As we move into the First Quarter, several things are happening.

The intense T-square with Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto is waning. Another T-square forms instead.

The Sun–Moon square is part of a T-square of its own: Saturn opposes the Moon in Virgo as the Sun squares both.

There’s a new feeling of movement. The mutable signs, where we find the Sun, Moon, and Saturn are flexible. With the Gemini Sun, we’re curious about what’s going on.

We’re ready to see the intense Mars, Jupiter, Pluto connection letting go. But what about the new T-Square? Jupiter is conjunct the North Node, while Mars squares the Nodal axis. This T-square focuses on dramatic, creative action.

Jupiter conjunct the North Node emphasizes our needs for safety, security, and stability, while putting us on notice that the ways we usually access those needs are changing.

Mars is at the bendings, specifically, the North bending. Mars will express Leo outwardly, showing us his passionate, playful, creative side. Mars wants to push. We need change, so let’s get on with it.

Venus, ruler of the North Node, Jupiter, and Mercury, is out of bounds. She’s slipped past the Tropic of Cancer, outside the guidance systems of the Sun. She makes her own decisions, setting her own rules.

The second T-square, with the Sun, Moon, and Saturn, is easy going. These are mutable signs. Clearly, with a T-square, things need to be worked out. But there are plenty of options. Those involved are sure they can sort things out.

The Gemini Sun is bright, active, and curious. This Sun wants to know what’s going on and make things happen. The Moon in Virgo is careful, wanting to know what actual needs are before gathering supplies and making plans.

Saturn in Pisces looks for patterns. Even in misty Pisces, Saturn wants structure. How can we have both zany fun and careful planning? Saturn can sort it out.

Each aspect pattern involves multiple planets and relationships. Let’s invite Saturn to gather them all up like brightly colored ribbons and weave something beautiful.

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