Gibbous Moon in Libra: Currents

posted in: Gibbous Moon, Libra | 0

This morning, we drifted into the Gibbous Moon phase with a Moon in late Libra. This a magical Moon squaring Venus in late Cancer as Venus moves to trine Neptune in Pisces. These two are in mutual reception, supporting each other.

The Gibbous Moon is a time of challenge. We’ve been developing skills and surmounting challenges. Now, as the promise of the Full Moon draws near, we face something unexpected in our way.

Yet this is a fortunate Moon. As we entered the Gibbous phase, the Moon was conjunct Spica, the most fortunate star in the sky. How is this a challenge?

Perhaps our challenge is to regain our sense of wonder.

In the world today, it is easy to experience frustration and anger, or depression and a loss of hope. The challenges are many; the options seem few. How can we build the life we hoped for?

This Moon asks us to see the magic all around us.

Yes, there are challenges, and we can move toward solutions. The Moon opposes Eris in Aries. Eris is very focused on the dangers that face our world. This Moon says, let’s explore ideas.

Jupiter is conjunct the North Node. There are many things we want, many needs to be addressed. Jupiter says, have faith. There is abundance we haven’t tapped into yet.

Mercury moves to conjunct Uranus–we have the skills and capacity to create change.

This Gibbous Moon does not deny the challenge. Instead, we’re invited to change the lens we’re looking through. What does possibility look like? Where can we innovate? Can we find hope?

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