Full Moon in Sagittarius: Bright Arrows

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Tonight’s Full Moon in Sagittarius will be vibrant and energized. Arriving just before midnight in my Eastern US time zone, this Moon will shine, full and round, in the night sky.

This Full Moon is a pathfinder, illuminating options we have not yet discovered. The Moon might point to a way toward a desired dream. In the middle decan of Sagittarius, we focus on a singular goal, a powerful choice we maintain in the face of obstacles.

The Moon in Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter in Taurus, who we might think would provide grounding and stability. Except Jupiter is conjunct the North Node of the Moon. This is a partile conjunction, with Jupiter only half a degree from Rahu, the head of the dragon.

Jupiter is ready to dig deep and travel far in pursuit of what they desire. The calm, moderate approach we associate with Taurus is overturned by the Rahu’s desire to get what they want.

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This Moon is out of bounds, outside the control of the Sun. Sagittarius is not one for following the rules at the best of times. Right now, the Moon can’t see the rules. What rules? Those are just guidelines.

What does the Moon want? Separating from a trine to Mars in Leo and applying to a trine to Chiron in Aries, there’s extra Fire at hand for this already lit Moon. Mars in Leo is bold and passionate. Chiron in Aries knows healing sometimes means cutting out what is no longer good for us.

Yet making clear decisions will be difficult.

The Moon opposes the Sun in Gemini. In the middle of Gemini, we grapple with duality. We may not be able to choose between one and the other, because we want both. In this decan, we find the capacity to hold contrasting, even conflicting, ideas at the same time. We also may try to play both sides, unable to make the call.

The Sun is ruled by Mercury, currently conjunct Uranus in Taurus. Mercury in this sign of fixed Earth prefers to take time to consider all options and then choose the best, the one with staying power, the one we can dedicate ourselves to.

Yet Uranus loves turning things upside down. What if we view the situation from this other angle? How does it look then? Uranus loves challenging the status quo, asking what is truly authentic. And Uranus pushes for speed, even in the slow Earth sign of Taurus.

We could find ourselves far afield tonight, galloping across unexpected landscapes, boldly going where no one has gone before. In fact, the Full Moon is conjunct the Galactic Center, the home of Sagittarius A*, the black hole at the center of our galaxy, a place of tremendous power and mystery.

This fiery energy feels good in places where we’ve been stuck, held back, unable to move. We’re beyond ready to get going. Yet this is not going to be the easiest time to make solid decisions.

This Full Moon could be a time to explore, our senses open to what is beyond the ordinary. It could be a time to be inspired without closing in on a specific path.

Venus is also important at this Full Moon, for she rules the rulers of both luminaries.

The Moon, remember, is ruled by Jupiter conjunct the North Node in Taurus. The Sun is ruled by Mercury conjunct Uranus, also in Taurus. Venus rules Taurus.

She is currently at the end of caring, emotional Cancer trining Neptune in mystical, creative Pisces. Within this Full Moon phase, on June 5, Venus will enter Leo, fixed Fire, where she will remain until October, a long journey that includes a retrograde.

There’s a lot to say about this extended Venusian time in Leo. We’ll explore this more fully in another post. For now, identify where Leo is in your Birth Chart, and where Libra and Taurus, Venus’ signs, are as well. These places and planets in your chart will be passionately, creatively, upended in the coming months.

Of course, we also want to know where this Full Moon falls and where Jupiter and the North Node, and Mercury and Uranus, are located. These are the starting points, the places from which we embark on magical journeys that begin tonight.

When starting such journeys, it’s wise to consult oracles, prepare spells, and bring along our best incantations. Sagittarius is a sign that values tradition and scholarship, as well as adventure.

In the spirit of the times, I have three offerings. Two are quotes drawn from poems. The third is microfiction whose first draft was written by ChatGPT in response to a prompt about this Full Moon.

First, a line from the poem You’re arrowing out toward what. by Greg Glazer:

On into the wind of whatever is happening.
What leashes you seems to have come undone.

Second, lines from Burning Island by Gary Snyder:

a cup to the center of the galaxy!
                  and let the eyes stray
   right-angling the pitch of the Milky Way:
                  horse-heads   rings
                  clouds      too distant to
                  slide free.
                              on the crest of the wave.

Third, my microfiction collab with ChatGPT:

We embark on a journey through a kaleidoscopic landscape of surreal wonder. A twisted tapestry where reality dances with the impossible.

Feet sink into a ground of giggling flames that whisper secrets. Fire lilies bloom, their petals, molten gold. The air crackles as mischievous sprites laugh. Overhead, a phoenix soars.

Next, a fire-breathing sphinx with wings of iridescent embers, a dark goblin juggling orbs of searing light, and a sphering wisp shimmering in a thousand shades of sunlight.

Reality blurs into a mesmerizing mirage. Time folds in on itself, casting shadows that dance a fiery waltz. Distant mountains transform into pillars of liquid flame.

We sense a beckoning, a promise of discovery and revelation. We embrace enchantment, allowing its flames to consume our doubts. This realm of fire and dreams is a canvas for our imagination.

Take these words, or other words that mean something to your heart and soul, into tonight’s Full Moon.

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