Crescent Moon in Cancer: The Courage to Care

Tuesday morning, we enter the Crescent phase with the Moon conjunct Venus at 17º Cancer. .This Moon is caring, emotionally aware, and empathic. Connected to the Moon, and in the Moon’s sign, this Venus values close, caring relationships, emotional intelligence, and the beauty to be found in a safe, comfortable home.

Now the Moon has light in the sky to carry messages. We’re ready to move. This is a time of growth and expansion to acquire the skills and supplies we need.

This Moon is strengthened by a kind of mutual reception with Jupiter in Taurus: The Moon is exalted in Taurus, while Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. They support each other.

On May 20, Mars entered Leo. This is a welcome change for Mars, who values the direct action of Fire over the emotional landscape of Cancer. May 21, the Sun entered Gemini, a livelier and more active sign than Taurus. Mars and the Sun are eager to move ahead.

The powerful T-square of Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto is starting to fade. Mars and Jupiter remain in a tight square, but both are moving away from Pluto.

After weeks of confusion, the skies begin to clear. Our thinking and our emotions gain clarity.

Yet we’re only weeks from two powerful eclipses. The way forward is still not clear. We may feel we’re in a time of recovery, as well as discovery.

The Moon and Venus signal a need to care for ourselves and family, however we define it. The way forward lies in community. We can’t go it alone. We shouldn’t try.

The Moon and Venus move to square Chiron and sextile Uranus. Chiron and Uranus invite us (sometimes, push us) to become our most authentic selves.

Chiron, the wounded healer, shows us a key childhood wound that led us to hide some aspect of who we were, or what we wanted.

Uranus, the revolutionary, asks us to peel back the layers of conditioning from family, church, school, and society to uncover who we deeply, authentically are.

The Moon and Venus connect to Chiron and Uranus together. If we care for each other, if we take care of each other, we can do more, be more, and achieve more.

It’s time to find the courage to care.

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