First Quarter Moon in Taurus: Fate

posted in: First Quarter Moon, Taurus | 0

The First Quarter square finds the Moon conjunct the North Node and the Sun at the bending. When the luminaries aspect the Nodes, we’re contemplating eclipse energy.

“At the bending” is between the Nodes, a square aspect with the planet equally distant from each.

When we see a planet at the bending, we want to know which way it’s moving in zodiacal order. The planet at the bending is influenced by the Node it’s moving toward

The Aquarius Sun has left the South Node in Scorpio and travels toward the North Node in Taurus. We’re moving toward desire, action, and acquisition.

This fits with the shift to all direct planets and Mars moving faster. There are things we want. Actions to take. Goals to reach.

The Nodes of the Moon are also linked to the idea of fate, the movement from past to future, South Node to North. In the fixed signs, we may feel a sense of fate more strongly.

Scorpio (South Node), Aquarius (the Sun) and Taurus (the Moon and the North Node) are places of deliberate, careful action that follows a detailed plan.

As we emerge from these months (and years) of lives turned upside down and inside out, we wonder what Fate has in store. Do we have agency? Real choices? Or is everything already determined?

The best answer to this deep philosophical question seems to be, it’s some of both. Our fate shows up as choices we make within the circumstances we experience.

Here’s what choice in this situation might look like:

A frustrated point of view might feel patterns from the past are best kept secret. Vulnerability is too risky. We prioritize our own comfort, holding on to what we have, resentful of demands to address issues important to our community.

A more open response might value learning from the past through deep reflection. Unpacking patterns no matter what in order to heal. We’re building slowly and steadily for a future yet to come. We’re willing to work with others to address community issues.

We’re each somewhere between these two. At this First Quarter, we can learn more about our choices and our fate.

Title image is an original Midjourney render.

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