Keep Calm and …

posted in: Gemini, Waxing Trine | 0

Overnight, we’ll reach the waxing trine between the Sun and Moon which generally offers support for smooth sailing.

Tonight’s patterns point to lively discussion. Agreement is not guaranteed.

The Moon is conjunct Mars in Gemini, which changes things. Both the Moon and Mars are out of bounds. This makes both planets extra. More words, more energy, more distraction. Extra.

The Sun will try to keep things calm, but high-minded Aquarian principles may not have much traction with this Moon–Mars combination.

Interestingly, both sides sextile Chiron in Aries. This brings in the possibility of healing, but only after someone has been triggered.

Late night or very early morning conversations might begin in fun, but take a turn into the frenetic.

One source of help could be Mercury in Capricorn, separating from a square to Aries. This could be the dad voice saying, “Now, what’s all this fuss about?”

On the other hand, Mercury also trines Uranus, so, all bets are off.

Look for creative flashes, ideas that are fresh, and out of the box thinking. Avoid contentious debates and general bloody-mindedness.

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