Waxing Sextile Moon in Aries: Boost

Tonight, within the Crescent phase, the Sun and Moon reach their sextile at 05º57’ of Aquarius and Aries.

This Aries Moon has just received an energy boost from Jupiter (04º59’ Aries). The conjunction between these two is still close, which means the Sun is sextiling Jupiter as well as the Moon.

Mars, still out of bounds and slowly picking up steam, also feels the fiery energy of the Moon, Sun, and Jupiter. Jupiter and the Moon apply to sextile Mars, while the trine from the Sun continues to perfect.

After reconnecting to our roots in the realms of dreams, deep psychology, and spirituality, we’re refreshed, strengthened, and ready for action.

We’re separating from difficult aspects too. The Sun is almost out of orb of the conjunction with Pluto. Venus leaves Saturn further and further behind.

In my Eastern US time zone, the waxing sextile is exact just before midnight.

It might take extra calm and quiet to fall asleep tonight, especially if you have planets in the early degrees of the cardinal signs, or are sensitive to what Mars is up to.

This could be a night of active dreaming. Lucid dreamers may find themselves traveling far. Having adventures.

Tomorrow night, January 26, Venus creates a greater separation from Saturn as she enters Pisces.

Our journey with this most diffuse and dreamy sign is not yet over. Our approach to relationships and creativity will feel deeper, less focused, and richer in symbolism.

Venus also influences money matters. These next weeks, it could be difficult to hold on to resources. The unfocused generosity of Pisces can make money seem to dissolve.

Do your best to stick to financial plans.

We’re feeling renewed energy. Taking action on goals feels good. This is a lovely contrast to the stuckness of the last weeks and months.

If some goals feel more fuzzy and open-ended than before, look to Venus in Pisces. Accept the value of dreams and visions as guides to action. Get creative.

Title image is an original Midjourney render.

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