Crescent Moon in Pisces: Gates of Horn and Ivory

posted in: Crescent Moon, Pisces | 0

Tonight we enter the Crescent Moon phase with a Moon in mid Pisces. This Moon is semisquare the Sun (the 45º aspect that defines the Crescent phase) while separating from a sextile to Uranus and applying to conjunct Neptune.

We’re in the realm of dreams, of this world and other worlds.

Mars remains at the apex of a yod with Mercury and the South Node at its base.

Both Mars and Mercury are now direct, which makes forward action at least possible. There’s not much speed, though. Both Mars and Mercury maintain their link to the South Node, where we’re asked to process our experiences before moving on.

Mars gets support from an applying Grand Trine in Air with the Sun in Aquarius and Ceres in Libra. Thinking is underway. Clarity and balance are attainable.

The Moon in the second decan of Pisces seeks to balance the physical and spiritual, to know what is true and what is illusion.

The ancient Greeks took dreams seriously as omens and guidance. Yet they knew not all dreams were true ones. This is described in ancient Greek as knowing which gate a specific arrived through.

In a play on Greek words that doesn’t translate into English, true dreams came through Gates of Horn while deceptive dreams came through Gates of Ivory.

As the Moon moves from Uranus, champion of truth and authenticity, toward Neptune, bringer of dreams and visions, we asked to pay attention.

We’re setting goals for this lunar cycle. We want to choose the best ones.

How can each of us discern true from false in the world of dreaming? What signs must we watch for? How can we learn which dreams are ones to hold on to and which need to be released?

Title image is an original Midjourney render.

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