First Quarter Moon in Libra: Patterns

posted in: First Quarter Moon, Libra | 0

Tonight we enter the First Quarter phase even as we continue to adjust to the Mars and Mercury sign changes.

In this phase, we’re building new skills and expanding knowledge, preparing ourselves for our goals. We find ourselves in the midst of interesting patterns.

The square finds a Libra Moon squaring the Sun in Cancer. This is actually a T-square, though, with Chiron in mid Aries. Chiron opposes the Moon and squares the Sun.

Venus in Gemini also participates. She trines the Moon and sextiles Chiron. New ideas and fresh perspectives can help.

The Sun, Moon, and Chiron are in cardinal signs. These are initiators, ready to break new ground in search of solutions.

We’re invited to think with care about patterns of wounding and healing. Questions will come up.

Are we holding someone else responsible for our wounding? Is that pattern getting in the way of our healing? This is not about letting anyone off the hook, but rather finding a way to let go of patterns that hold us back.

Are we blaming ourselves for hurting ourselves or others? Can we find way to repair the harm, thereby opening the way to release this pattern? Again, not to excuse our actions, but to find a way to release a damaging pattern.

The Libra Moon seeks inclusive ways of moving forward.

Are there patterns in society in which we participate that we can help to unravel? Are there ways we can help repair long-standing patterns of harm?

When the inclusive warmth of the Libra Moon, the caring vulnerability of the Sun in Cancer, and the incisive edginess of Chiron in Aries combine, we have a chance to see patterns beyond our individual lives.

I’m thinking of the work of Resmaa Menakem, somatic therapist, healer, and author. Speaking of “somatic abolitionism,” he knows that none of us can fully heal until all of us do. This is challenging to accept and yet feel deeply true.

How can we move toward our goals in a way that is inclusive, caring, and healing for everyone?

Title adapted from MagicPattern

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