Gibbous Moon in Sagittarius: Movin’ Right Along

posted in: Gibbous Moon, Sagittarius | 0

We just cruised into the Gibbous Moon phase. Time to reorient. Things are moving, shifting, changing. Can you feel that? Me too.

We can’t see around that next corner but feel it coming.

The Moon in early Sag trines Jupiter in Aries. Nothing is staying put.

Yet the Gibbous Moon aspect is a sesquiquadrate, a tense square and a half. The Sun in Cancer is happy at home, thank you very much. “Staycation” is a Cancerian concept.

Meanwhile the Sun forms a strong sextile to Uranus and the North Node in Taurus. We feel big changes moving inexorably forward.

In Cancer, the Sun favors natural growth, not the world shifting on its axis. Which is precisely where we find ourselves.

The key aspect pattern tomorrow, within the Gibbous Moon phase, is the second exact Pluto Return for the US. We in the US, and worldwide, are in this pattern for several years. The exact conjunctions create inflection points.

The chart for the exact Pluto return shows how key this is.

The Sun moves toward an opposition with Pluto, exact on July 19. Venus trines Saturn, advocating for a fresh look at values and structures.

The Moon sits at the top of a yod, quincunx the traditional home values of the Sun and Ceres in Cancer on one side, and the slow, relentless changes fostered by Uranus and the North Node in Taurus on the other.

The Moon opposes Venus while sextiling Saturn. This Moon is also out of bounds.

It’s (past) time to set aside old ways of thinking. The solutions we need are all outside the box.

In a few days, we reach the Full Moon in Capricorn, conjunct Pluto. These are deep times. Old,old patterns exposed. Not comfortable at all. It feels dangerous. It is dangerous. And this is the path.

Expect the unexpected. Keep a light heart. (Wait, what? Yes, this is also key.)

The Sag Moon says, roll with it. Keep your chin up. Don’t let the bastards get you down. The Sun will rise again. Life is beautiful.

Title adapted from Gabrielle Henderson

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